Trust our users

„Our cases convinced us that the AMAMUS Vet concept saves on antibiotics and accelerates wound healing. In some cases, we have supported local therapy with systemic antibiotics. We are certain that we will be able to further reduce the use of systemic antibiotics in the future.“ANDREA VOLK HEAD DERMATOLOGIST AT THE HANNOVER UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE
Wir setzen das AMAMUS Vet coldPlasma und die begleitenden Produkte mit Begeisterung täglich mehrfach innerhalb der Dermatologie ein. Die Behandlungserfolge sind beeindruckend. In jedem Fall reduzieren wir die Antibiotikavergabe, in den meisten Fällen verzichten wir vollständig darauf.HANS-JÖRG FINCK, TIERARZT PLUS SINSHEIM
Mr. Lang, quite honestly, this is the first system in 30 years that really delivers what it promises. We use it every day.JOCHEN KAI, SCHELKLINGEN
Your machine is great. We use it 5-6 times a day for all skin issues or wounds. We have been able to solve many cases that we have been working on for a long time. We save on both antibiotics and cortisone. The customer takes it very well. Within a very short time, AMAMUs Vet had paid for itselfNadine Strothenke, Steinhagen
Hi Jan, I've only had the Amamus Vet for a week and a half, but I have to say it's really great. Within this short time, I have already achieved great results with a few patients. Or am still treating bite injuries.Simply top, thank you ☺️LG NadineSimon Lippert, Mössingen
Plasma therapy is a useful addition to the therapeutic options in dermatology. Particularly in derma and wounds, we have seen significant reductions in the duration of treatment, savings on antibiotics and better scar conditions afterwards.